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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Chapter: One
After graduating from Yale University, Nick joins the army and even fights in the First World War. After the war, he passes his time being restless. Later on, he decides to move to the east, to New York City. His main purpose in moving to New York is to learn the bond business. In the summer of 1922, Nick comes to New York and starts living in a part of Long Island known as West Egg. The West Egg is the place that is considered the place of those inhabitants who have recently become rich and have a lack of established social reputation. According to the narrator, the neighbouring place, East Egg, is the place of those people who are so-called sophisticated, absurd, heartless, narrow-minded, reserved, and unkind. The narrator rents a house in the West Egg just beside the large and attractive mansion of Gatsby.
One night, Nick attends a party in the East Egg. He was invited there by the Buchanan family. Nick is a cousin of Daisy Buchanan and a classmate of Tom at the university. Tom is from a rich family background and is a fearful football player at Yale. At that party, Nick meets a beautiful friend of Daisy Buchanan named Jordan Baker. She is a professional golfer and earns her livelihood through her game. Nick is quite impressed with her. But he finds Tom and Daisy a bit bad. When they are having dinner, Tom dominates Nick while talking about the book related to racial issues. He tries to impose his own opinions. As Tom leaves the table to receive the phone call, Daisy starts her sophisticated talk, which isn't liked by Nick. Nick calls that party an awkward one. A little later, Jordan Baker informs Nick that Tom has received a phone call from his lover in New York.
After leaving that awkward party, Nick returns to his house in West Egg. Here, he sees Jay Gatsby, the handsome guy for the first time, who is standing on his wide lawn, stretching his arms out to the sea.
Chapter: Two
The second chapter begins with a description of the Valley of Ashes through Nick's words. The Valley of Ashes lies between West Egg and New York City. In this valley, there are lots of heaps of ash. The ash has made the whole valley so polluted and ugly. This place symbolises the destruction, immoral relations, and decay in human nature. In this valley, there is a huge old hoarding board by Dr.T.J. Eckleberg with blue and gigantic eyes. Those eyes seem so terrible looking straight at this wasteland.
One day, Tom Buchanan takes Nick to Wilson's garage. There is a gas station and restaurant named George Wilson. This garage lies at the edge of the Valley of Ashes. Tom introduces Nick to Myrtle (George's wife). Myrtle is a very courageous woman with a vital nature. She drinks a lot. She shows the superiority of rich people, but she speaks so rudely. She even dominates her husband. Tom Buchanan has an illegal affair with her.
Tom forces both Myrtle and Nick to accompany him to the city. Tom has rented a fashionable flat in the city of New York for Myrtle to do his illegal affair with her. Tom and Myrtle celebrate their vulgar parties there, along with Myrtle's sister Catherine and a couple of Mr. and Mrs. Mckee. This group gossips about Gatsby at their party. Nick feels very uncomfortable at the party. He even drinks there. The whole group becomes overly drunk. Myrtle becomes so harsh in her words. Tom even gives her a puppy as a gift for Myrtle. To irritate Tom, Myrtle chants Daisy's name time and again. Tom becomes too furious with Myrtle, saying that she has no right to say Daisy's name. Finally, Tom breaks Myrtle's nose in anger.
Chapter: Three
The third chapter begins with the lavish party given by Gatsby in his huge mansion. Through this party, Nick gets a chance to meet Gatsby for the first time. At Gatsby's party, there are many beautiful and rich men and women. The people at the party are from West Egg, East Egg, and New York. The people in the party are passing time drinking and looking at Gatsby's attractive Rolls-Royce, his enormous swimming pool, live musicians, etc. The pose of people is so vulgar. Some of them are dancing and drinking. Nick isn't invited by Gatsby himself. He gets invited through Gatsby's chauffeur. In the meantime, Nick meets Jordan Baker. Everyone at the party is seeking the host (Gatsby). Gatsby is missing at the party. People at the party are spreading various gossips about the mysterious host. They are gossiping that the host once killed a man in cold blood, that he was a spy for the Germans during the war, that he was a smuggler of liquor, and so on.
Later on, Jordan helps Nick have an introduction with Gatsby. In search of Gatsby, Jordan takes Nick to various places in Gatsby's mansion. They move from corner to corner. They visit the library of Gatsby. Nick meets a little man with enormous eyeglasses. Nick calls him 'Owl Eyes'. Owl Eyes and Jordan doubt the books in the library, but they are surprised to find the books in the library. Owl Eyes is heavily drunk. He pretends to be reading a book in front of Nick and Jordan.
After searching Gatsby for a long time, both Nick and Jordan become too tired and sit at a table. A handsome man is also sitting at a table. Nick knows that he must be Gatsby. He talks with the man and knows that they served in the same division during the war. Gatsby has an affected English accent and a highly formal way of speaking. He stands aloof from the guests, watching the party rather than taking part in it. Gatsby leaves after some time to take a phone call. He sends his butler to ask Jordan Baker if he may speak with her privately. When she finishes talking to Gatsby, she tells Nick that she has heard some 'remarkable news'.
Nick feels deep love and attraction for Jordan. They have met each other several times. They feel so close to each other. Jordan behaves so deceitfully most of the time. Nick knows that Jordan is dishonest, but he doesn't care. He feels that Jordan likes him for his carefulness and honesty.
Chapter: Four
Chapter four begins with Gatsby's arrangements for the summer party. Many people come to the party. Gatsby introduces Nick to many people. Tom is also there at the party. Nick introduces Gatsby to Tom.
Gatsby personally introduces Nick to his mansion. After the arrival of Nick, Gatsby relates all the stories of his pathetic past. He relates his departure from his house at the age of seventeen. He even says that there is no one left in his family. His family background was rich, but later on, they turned out to be poor due to some circumstances. Later, he joined the First World War. Jordan requests Nick to arrange a tea party according to Gatsby's will and invite Daisy only as a guest personally. Nick accepts it unwillingly.
At the party, Jordan reveals Gatsby's intention to invite Daisy to the tea party. Jordan reveals the reality of Gatsby to Nick. She says that Gatsby was a lieutenant. He had met Daisy when he was posted in Louisville. They fell in deep love with each other. Both of them had promised to marry after the war. But Gatsby returned very late, being penniless. Daisy married a rich man named Tom Buchanan later on. Nick hadn't known all those things. Daisy had kept her past so secret from her husband. Daisy had only revealed her secrecy to Jordan Baker. After losing Daisy, Gatsby involved himself in some kind of money-making business. After being rich, he bought a huge mansion in West Egg, just across the bay from East Egg. Gatsby spent a lot of money throwing parties. Gatsby wanted Nick to invite Daisy to his house for a tea party so that she could see his large mansion. After hearing the story from Jordan, Nick realises the facts. So he agrees to host a tea party so that Gatsby and Daisy get a chance to reunite with each other.
Chapter: Five
Chapter five starts with the tea party. According to Gatsby's plan, Daisy comes alone to attend the tea party at Nick's house. When she sees Gatsby after many years, she becomes shy and restless. Gatsby even feels nervous to speak with her. In the meantime, Nick leaves them in the room, saying that he has to go to the city for half an hour. There is rain outside. When Nick returns, he finds them happy with a bright face. Both of them are lost in each other's eyes. Nick disturbs them. Daisy wipes her tears from her face.
In the next scene, Gatsby invites Daisy and Nick to his mansion. He shows his property both outside and inside. To impress Daisy, he shows the collection of shirts and decorated and furnished rooms. They swim, enjoy drinks, and play golf. Daisy weeps time and again to see the condition of Jay Gatsby. Gatsby kisses her on the forehead. He shows her the letters and photos from the past. Gatsby expects that Daisy will be impressed and love him after seeing his property. Daisy feels so happy and even weeps.
Gatsby asks Klipspringer to play the piano for his guests to entertain them. Both Daisy and Gatsby talk about love in a dark corner of the mansion. Nick goes closer to them to say goodnight, but they don't even look at him as being busy.
Chapter: Six
Chapter six begins with the real story of Gatsby, narrated by Nick. According to Nick, the real name of Gatsby was James Gats. His parents were too poor and lived in North Dakota. But Gatsby never accepted them as his parents. He thought of himself as God's son in his imagination. At the age of ten, he fled from his house in search of his fate. One afternoon, at the bay of Lake Superior, he found a yacht in a critical situation. He went there in a small boat and saved that yacht. The captain of that yacht was a drunkard millionaire called Dan Cody. He saved both Dan Cody and the yacht. He sailed with Dan Cody for more than five years. Dan taught him everything, such as how to be a gentleman, the manner of speaking, and so on. Gatsby expected that one day he would get the whole property of Dan Cody. But after the death of Dan Cody, Gatsby got nothing because Dan Cody's family members played a trick. Gatsby remained penniless. He got nothing except the skills that Dan Cody taught him. Later on, Jay Gatz changed his name to Gatsby. He involved himself in different trades and got a name, fame, and money.
For some days, Nick doesn't meet Gatsby because he is busy meeting with Jordan Baker. One day, Tom and his friends come to Gatsby's house. They ridicule and misbehave with Gatsby. Gatsby remains silent and calm because he has a fear of his relationship with Daisy.
Next, Gatsby again gives a party. Most of the people are invited to the party. Tom and Daisy are especially invited. The party isn't interesting for Daisy, but she only likes the scenes with a beautiful actress and the director. At the party, Gatsby proposes to Daisy that she tell Tom that she has never loved him. But Daisy refuses to do so. Gatsby tries to get Daisy back in his life. Nick even suggests to him that it is not possible to regain the past. But Gatsby has a kind of hope to get his past (Daisy) back.
Chapter: Seven
Chapter seven begins at Tom's house, where Gatsby and Nick are invited for lunch. The day is too hot. Everybody is feeling uncomfortable. All of the people start eating their lunch. In the meantime, Daisy says that Gatsby is looking too cool and peaceful. She even says to everyone that she loves Gatsby. Tom gets shocked after hearing that. Later on, Tom proposes to everyone to go to New York because he is feeling uneasy to hear their love matter.
On the trip to New York, Tom drives Gatsby's car. He asks Daisy to sit with him in Gatsby's car, but she prefers to sit with Gatsby in Tom's car. Nick and Jordan sit with Tom in Gatsby's car. Tom stops the car at Wilson's garage for gasoline. While talking with George, Tom knows about Wilson's anger towards his wife. George suspects that his wife has a lover in New York City, so he is going to take her away from New York. Tom becomes surprised and fearful. George has locked his wife, Myrtle, upstairs. Myrtle is looking at Tom through the window upstairs while Tom is going out of her garage. Tom even sees her in the window.
In New York, they book a room in a hotel and start drinking. After being drunk, their egos increase. Tom asks Gatsby about Daisy's love for him. Gatsby clearly says that Daisy loves him far more than Tom. He even says that they have a plan to elope sooner. When Gatsby asks Daisy to say she doesn't love Tom, Daisy doesn't say so. She can't refuse her love for Tom. Tom ridicules Gatsby after seeing Daisy's activities. Daisy feels quite uncomfortable and proposes to go back home. Nick informs Tom about his 30th birthday. All of them returned from New York. Nick and Jordan sit in Tom's car, whereas Daisy drives Gatsby's car.
When Tom reaches Wilson's garage, he sees a crowd of people. There is the scene of the accident at Myrtle's Wilson. She was hit by the passing car (Gatsby's yellow car). George thinks that the yellow car belongs to Tom because he saw him driving that car while going to New York. But Tom consoles him and tells him that the yellow car belongs to Gatsby.
After reaching home, Gatsby tells Nick everything about the accident. He says that Daisy was driving the car so fast that she hit Myrtle. Gatsby feels quite restless about Daisy, whether Tom troubles her or not. But Nick looks through the window and tells Gatsby that everything is fine there. When Tom goes out, Daisy kisses Gatsby in front of the guests.
Chapter: Eight
Chapter nine begins at Gatsby's house. Nick is with Gatsby. Both of them are sad. Gatsby relates his history to Nick. He tells Daisy his love story. He says that he met Daisy for the first time in Louisville. Daisy was quite a beautiful and nice girl. He fell in love at first sight. She also liked him. Both of them promised to marry. But Gatsby went into the First World War. Daisy kept on waiting for him. Next, Gatsby went to Oxford University. Later on, Daisy married Tom Buchanan. She even mentioned her marriage to Tom in the letter.
Nick leaves Gatsby and goes to the office. Gatsby remains at home. On the other side, George is quite restless. He is feeling so sad after the death of his wife, Myrtle. He becomes so furious about that yellow car and its owner. Tom's information has increased anger within him about Gatsby. Michaelis (the neighbour) tries to convince Wilson that it was just an accident, not more than that. But George moves out towards Gatsby's house to find out about the yellow car being angry. George takes out his pistol and shoots Gatsby while he is at the swimming pool. Gatsby utters his final word, 'Daisy', looking towards Daisy's house. After shooting Gatsby, George shot himself. When Nick returns there, he finds Gatsby's dead body floating in the swimming pool.
Chapter: Nine
In chapter nine, Nick arranges for the funeral of Gatsby. He sends an invitation to all the people who used to be part of Gatsby's parties. But the attendance at Gatsby's funeral is so poor. There are few people at the funeral for Gatsby. The Buchanan family had gone out. The mayor of the place refused to come. Nick, Gatsby's father, servants, postman, and Owl Eyes attend his funeral. Nick leaves the East and decides to return to the Mid-West. Before leaving, he meets Jordan Baker and declares the end of his love for her. Jordan calls him dishonest at last.
Nick meets Buchanan at the end of October. Nick becomes angry with Tom and accuses him of telling the address of Gatsby George. Tom accepts it and says that Gatsby deserves death for killing Myrtle in return. Nick knew the reality about Daisy, but he didn't say anything about it to Tom.
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